Friday 7 August 2009

This Aint Cool

Gahh, i feel so out of place at home on a friday night, its just not natural, but on the plus size i managed to get myself a job with the title : PARK RANGER Pretty neat and i did something so awesome today i think alan would be proud, so here is the story.

I was working on this slide thing and this girl was all scared and stuff, and she said "is there anyway you can make it slower" which my response was "well its powered by gravity so if you wanna re-rite the laws of physics be my guest" i don't think she appreciated this, but i totally made her go on the ride which is win.

Another grand hilight was getting the bus as me and my brother where both on it my brother shouted out "Nigger" not realising where we where it was pretty hilarious.

But here is the kicker, i get paid to stand around push buttons and push children down slides its so simple but so effective.

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