Thursday 1 December 2011

Bristol Re-Visited

I totally forgot something so awesome, while in Bristol we spent a lot of time in this one wetherspoons, and in the male toilets graffiti'd all over the walls was "Toy Story 2 Was Ok" Every time i saw it, it made me laugh so i took a photo and look now you can share in my humour.

I Also Went To Bristol

This was a pretty fun trip.

Spent a few hours shopping. Bought a purple jumper and a purple t-shirt and some jeans.

Then at 4 we headed to the pub and started drinking, we didn't stop for 10 hours was pretty intense.

When we got kicked out of the pub at 2 in the morning, i tried to find my friend in bristol by using a random blue map and walking off aimlessly, however it was raining and the map was ruined within in 5 minutes so i went back to our youth hostel got another and braved the weather.

I didn't get back to our room till 4 in the morning, i really don't understand how it took me 2 hours to get back as the pub we finished at was a 2 minute walk from our hostel. Drunken moments.