Tuesday 25 August 2009


So i was just wondering if i'm some kind of Ecoman as i soent 5 hours yesterday just litter picking and changing bins, thats right and it was quite fun if i say so myself i managed to see the whole park which was pretty fun i also spent about 10 minutes trying to get a 1p out of the pound of my little picker but i failed and all i manged to do was break my shoes, and now thats something else i need to buy. The only reason i spent 5 hours doing such things is that we where over staffed and we had 10 people on the master when you really need only 5 people to run it, but this i think made the day go faster which was fun. I seem to be getting along with all the peoples there aswell which is pretty hip, and started someone else saying hip so the catch phrase is expanding, but boy do i deserve a scout badge or something for the amount of litter i picked up.


  1. ohh yeah, spread the hip hipness, but the question is can he see his toes?
