Tuesday 2 February 2010

Shave Free February

This is an interesting topic trying to persuade Sam to grow and epic beard and him just declining everytime we said that how about none of us shave for the whole of the month and see what we look like at the end of the month and he accepted so this is going to look awesome, seeing as he always have perma-beard, like Alan but 10x worse no joke.

With the people doing this 4 of them can actually grow facial hair, them being Ben, Jack, Sam and Andy while me and Christian have a hard time growing one so either way the end of this month will be funny, even more so as i have seen some potential in my sideburns, gonna be a fun experience.

I would like to make a special mention to Jason who didn't join in with this as he is afraid in his words "it grows to fast" but be are all going to look pretty funny at the end of the month and he just bailed out, so uncool man.