Sunday 3 January 2010

2009 A Year In My Life.

So seeing as everyone else was doing this style of blog i guess i would join in with it, just so i could fit in and be accepted by you guys.

January: Now this month, the first of the year like most was pretty boring you know just Dartmouth Community College doing my last year of A-levels and playing American football/Basketball at the end of the day on a Monday simpler times funnier times as it was this was pretty much routine. But then one day a well known Mr. James Wade said to me come to my gig thing in brixham the RU and i was like sure man sounds good, i get there being all VIP like i have to ask for my ticket like a proper badass and its in a envelope, Damn i'm awesome. Anyway yeah i found a good friend now who goes by the name James Strutt and sat with him and some of the guys from Churston i met at Wade's Birthday, kinda out of my element this is where i also met Sophie Duffield's Girlfriend. But i watched the gig with all the bands and had an awesome time then came time to see Wade and Alan at the end of the show and i was like yeah you guys kicked ass and stuff, then came a turning point in my life from then on as from no where come Duffield and says "So you must be Ricky i've heard a lot about you, I'm Duffield" Instant friendship was formed, while walking back to Wade's Graham did the typical Graham thing and said to me "Hey chap come back here and talk to me" so me and him got talking and another friendship was born. I'm glad i got to meet these 2 guys they have shaped me to what i am today.

February:What happened in this month i actually don't remember i think i just started hanging with Battery Powered more and became better friends with everyone.

March:Now this month is interesting as this started all of this as Karys talked me into starting a blog i was reluctant and first but then look where i am now, I think this month just had more BP Gigs and stuff which was awesome Flanders beer being consumed and stuff.

April: Damn i really have no clue what happened this month, nothing good then haha.

May: Ah yes the one and only Jeff Fest (AKA Karys' Birthday) where lots of fun was had and i got to school the fools on how good my American Football skills are, yup thats right i'm to good at sports. More good times with Giging and what not.

June:Was this just more Gig's i think it was haha.

July:More gig's again, but didn't i help out with the Brixham Fun Day and have my chance at being in Battery Powered and pretty much sucked ass.

August: My favourite month as it has my birthday in it And i turned 18 jesus old man now, and i started working at Woodlands and made some new friends For example Pippa.

September: no least favourite month as in this month was the last BP Gig which was very sad but there is a recording from it so i can always listen when i want to remember all the good times, and then the formation of Ricky and the Pigeons yeahh, with a few issues to deal with which where resolved. Then my not favourite memory Alan, Duffield and Karys Leaving for Uni, sad sad times they where missed a lot. And then i started College oh yay

November: The month which i made a big step in my life and cut my long hair of 4 years and completely changed my style from wearing loads of black to colours and then made friends on my course so i wasn't as lonely, Ricky and the Pigeons was going really good getting a lot done was amazing. Went up to Bath to see Duffield and he introduced me to Phil and Ollie both really cool dudes, such a shame that me and Phil discovered we had something in common on the last day, what a drag.

October: This month sucked ass, thats pretty much it.

December: Started good we where all back together again loving life was awesome, Orange gave me free texts for the whole month i was like hell yeah and went insane. Then we lost Danni from Ricky and the Pigeons which is shit, and we are currently looking for a new singer, and well christmas was as usual the same, just working like normal.

And that is my year pretty much, as you can see January was my most eventful month.

1 comment:

  1. And where is Tom Wood, and the amazing Super Bowl Victory by the STEELERS?! It's like i and some other v.i. stuff hasn't exsisted in 2009!!!!
